Success isn't about how much money you make. It's about the difference you make in people's lives.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

On Sunday, September 13, 2015 by Kuya Sid in ,

Have you notice the bigger the dreams,
the bigger the opposition.
The bigger the dream the bigger the what? The CHALLENGES.
Isn't that right? :-)

Let me encourage you

No matter what happens in your life , no matter how many times
you fail in your life, no matter what kind of upsets you have experience
in your life. NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!

Never allow negative people to steal your dreams away from you. 
You have to fight for your dreams, no matter what it may cause.

Like this story, actually this is a great one.

The teacher ask them to draw something that they would like to have when they grow up and this young boy draw on the piece of paper a Big Ranch with cattle's, horses, big chickens and when submitted the drawings to the teacher.

The teacher then told the young boy, "This is such a nice drawing but unfortunately your grand father is poor, your father is poor, you cannot afford to have this, you better change this drawing or else I'll give you a zero"
 The young boy went home sad and talk to his dad, "Dad, this what I wanna have but unfortunately we're poor and the teacher said we cannot afford this, if I don't change this I'll fail. What do I need to do?" And the father talked back to the son and said "Son, it's your dream, it's up to you"

The following day..

This young boy submitted the same piece of drawing. When the teacher saw the drawing, the teacher then said "Are you testing my patience? it's either you change this drawing or I will give you a ZERO" 

And you know what the young boy said? "Ma'am, you can give me a zero but I'll keep my dreams"

After 20 years, the teacher was still a teacher. They went on a field trip, they
went on a bus ride and then they went on a Ranch. When they arrive the Ranch, She was the last one who align on the bus, when she align on the bus then suddenly there was young good looking man chasing after.. "Teacher! teacher.."

The teacher turned around and said "Sino ka?" and the young man said "Hindi po ako sinuka, tao po ako.. Ma'am can't you remember me? I was the young boy, I was the boy who draw the Ranch, this is my Ranch, this are my cattle's, this are my horses, this are the pigs..." and while he was talking. 

The teacher suddenly remember who this young boy, who this young man was.. Then unconsciously tears starts rolling down her cheeks and said "Young man, I've been teaching for over 20 years, I've been stealing dreams and visions from young children just like you. It's a good thing you fought for yours."

To those who's reading this note.. I want to encourage you to go for your dreams. Wake it up inside you, don't let someone steal your dreams, you must fight for it. Go for you dreams like your life depends on it because the truth is, your life really does.

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